Monday, December 2, 2013


...our light. Little Lucy Arvella (whose name means light) was born on November 9th in Jackson, WY; a whole month sooner than expected! She was 18 1/2" long and weighed 5lbs 3oz.

(Taken today. This was our attempt at a homemade photo shoot.)

And now, a VERY brief synopsis of the first two weeks of Lucy's life:

Lucy made her grand entrance after my water broke (in session with a client) the day before. She was breach (only to be discovered as such after 20+ hours of labor...) so we had to do a C-Section (which I might add was horrendous for all parties involved.) Lucy was then rushed to the nursery for intensive care. Her little lungs were not ready to come into the world just yet.

Two days later, I joined Lucy on her first airplane ride to the University of Utah Hospital where they admitted her to the NBICU. Kory drove down and met us there. They told us to anticipate being there until her due date, December 9th, or longer.

(Getting ready for the ride.)

And Lucy grew her lungs faster than anyone expected.


We got to come home eight days later. The nurses all said she would not be there long from the beginning because "she's so feisty!"

And it feels so good to be home.